Takarazuka International Tourism Association  Beautiful! Takarazuka


Activities, experiences

Takarazuka Dahlia Garden

Name Takarazuka Dahlia Garden

Activities, experiences


The Kamisasori area is known for the cultivation of dahlia. This dahlia farm is open to the public every year in summer and fall. During the opening, you can pick flowers at 100 yen per piece.
Note: Please see our website for opening dates.

Phone 0797-91-0003
Address 16-1 Ōgakiuchi, Kamisasori, Takarazuka
Access Take the Hankyu Bus from JR Takedao Station and get off at Kamisasori stop
Hours 9:00-16:00 (enter by 15:30)
Closed -
Where to buy -
Foreign language assistance


Website Link
